
Report From Woozy-ville

Report From Woozy-ville

This virus, Labyrnthritis, is driving me nuts.  It appears to be
getting better, as there have been fewer hours with a headache, and the
periods of wooziness are getting shorter with longer non-woozy
stretches between them.  The headaches come and go.  But the
very worst part is the lack of concentration.

Dizzy Dean

Dizzy Dean

Or should that headline read, Dizzy DeanLand?

Over the weekend I began to feel a certain wooziness.  Not really
dizzy, but not certain on my feet.  On Saturday the vision in my
left eye was blurred.  So much so that I could not attend to my
e-mail, could barely post an item I'd already prepared for the blog,
and felt a loss of balance when trying to read.

Old and New

Old and New

Maybe the headline ought to be Old
and Young, or Recent and Further Back.  The issues or matters
evoking the comparisons are of various sorts, of late many of these
items are top of mind.

From Death to Life

From Death to Life     

Death To The Oldies Stations

Death To The Oldies Stations

Two major market FM Infinity Radio (formerly known as CBS) stations
have dropped the oldies format and moved on to what's known as the "Jack" format. 
It happened in NY(WCBS-FM)  and Chicago (WJMK).   It
happened at 5PM in New York, 4Pm in Chicago.  In New York it was
the end of a 33 year run for WCBS-FM with just one format. 

No More High School - Yet Again

No More High School - Yet Again

Can it be?  My daughter, the elder of my two children, finished
her first year of college a few weeks ago.  My son, as of today
when he took his final High School final exam, no longer will be
attending High School.  In the Fall (well, actually the late
Summer) he will be off to college.

Both of them -- in college. 

Deep Throat Bares All!

Deep Throat Bares All!

Okay, after 30+ years the true
identity of
Deep Throat is bared to all.  A lifelong FBI man, a top agent, a
man who has something in common with Richard Nixon: a presidential
pardon for similar dastardly deeds.  Shocked that this is being
disclosed while Deep Throat is still alive, Watergate cultists are
dropping to their knees.  Is this too much information
to swallow?

Fall 2, Spring 0

Fall: Two; Spring: nothing!!

Goodbye To Word

Goodbye To Word

Look at that headline.  Now think of that sappy old Carpenters song.  You get the picture, right?



To paraphrase and fracture the old Jerry Lee Lewis song  (and
sorta/kinda a Led Zeppelin one, also)  . . .   There's a
whole lotta bubkes going on.

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