Dean Landsman's blog

Bartolo Colon – Next stop, Yankee Stadium?

Bartolo Colon ñ Next stop, Yankee Stadium?

Bartolo Colon may soon be seen in pinstripes, on his way to the World Series.

. . . . . will he be in Pinstripes by July 31? Hereís why this is not so outlandish a theory.

Censorship & Monopolies: Commerce Committee Discussion

Censorship & Monopolies: Commerce Committee Discussion

FCC Chairman (and big business toady) Michael Powell may have had a bad day this past Tuesday. Then again, maybe not. After all, Powell seems to not give a hoot about how others perceive him, or about the opinions of the vast majority of those Americans that have made their feelings known regarding his proposed rulemaking changes. But why should Powell care? He would appear to be certain to grab a position with one of the big monoliths when he steps down, or when his term expires.



Newsmax reports on the end of Spike ìShelton Jacksonî Leeís case against Viacom, accusing the company of encroaching on the fame and recognition of his nickname Spike in their move to rename TNN as ìSpike TV.î

Claiming he didnít want to get in the way of freedom of expression, Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee and Viacom ìsettledî and the suit was dropped.



This came in as an e-mail from John Rook this morning:

Greetings Dean,

Any help you can give this is so important.

My Illinois friends Bob McChesney and John Nichols have been most
helpful in efforts to halt the monopolization of the media.
Please take just a few minutes to join me in taking advantage of their
quickie way to make your feelings known to those who count.

Finding Those Sneakily Hidden Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Search For WMD

Type ìWeapons of Mass Destructionî into Google, and click on the top link. Or simply click on the Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" button and see what happens.

This was pointed out to me by my son. He has his own site on which you might find all sort of other interesting items.

A Connection Between People

A Connection Between People

Dave Winer wrote this in February of 1996:

Putting your thoughts on a web page is an invitation to anyone to take your hand. It's an open medium. A link is a connection between people. A web page is an open hand.

A link is a tunnel. It connects two places that weren't connected.

. . . is a part of life

A Part of Life

Going to the Dentist was the highlight of my day this past Monday. Says a little something about the day, doesnít it?

Early in the day I received a call from my cousin telling me his brother-in-law had died. It happened Friday, in Boston, while he was at a trade show. Run over by a semi-truck, crushed. Thankfully, we think, dead instantly. I was very fond of this man.

Clinton on The FCC Power Grab

Clinton on The FCC Power Grab

...........remember when he was President, the economy was good, there was growth, deregulation didn't mean giving wet kisses to and doing favors for BIG BUSINESS!?  Ah, the recent old days . . .

Big Media Silence

Bill Safire, in the New York Times:

June 26, 2003
Big Media's Silence

Over the protests of 750,000 viewers and readers, three appointees to the Federal Communications Commission last month voted to permit the takeover of America's local press, television and radio by a handful of mega-corporations.


Link ña-dink-a-doo

was Jimmy Durante's song.  Here we sing it as LINK-a-dink-a-doo!

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