Dean Landsman's blog



From one of the Topica lists I read on a regular basis, comes this joke. Well, if it is necessary that a joke be funny, then it isn't necessarily a joke.

John Ashcroft is visiting an elementary School.
After 15 minutes speaking he says, "I will now answer any questions you have."

Bobby stands up and says: "Mr. Ashcroft, I have 4 questions:

1. How did Bush win the election with fewer votes than Gore?

In The Interest of FAIRNESS

In The Interest of FAIRNESS

Regular visitors to this space are well aware of the political leanings hereabouts, in particular of late, our opposition to the proposed rulemakings put forth by FCC Chairman Michael Powell.

Michael Powell Op-Ed piece NY Times July 28, 2003

Op-Ed piece from NY Times, July 28,2003
New Rules, Old Rhetoric


As the debate about media ownership has moved to Congress during the last two months, the tone of the rhetoric has grown increasingly shrill.

Rumor Has It

Rumor Has It

That a Guest Blogger may just grace this space with an interesting post about some neato New York events.

Hmm, let us wonder. Whom might that Guest Blogger be?

Picture taken in Santa Barbara, so how fitting that it be in the same blog paragraph as a mention of Doc Searls!

Bush's Four Horsemen

Op-Ed piece by William Safire, July 24, 2003

Bush's Four Horsemen

On the domestic front, President Bush is backing into a buzz saw.

The sleeper issue is media giantism. People are beginning to grasp and resent the attempt by the Federal Communications Commission to allow the Four Horsemen of Big Media ó Viacom (CBS, UPN), Disney (ABC), Murdoch's News Corporation (Fox) and G.E. (NBC) ó to gobble up every independent station in sight.

Howl of Powell, take 2

Howl of Powell, take 2

Oh, am I feeling like a dope. I completely misunderstood the news story referred to yesterday. Bush is not going to get with the massive public opinion and get rid of the proposed FCC tomfoolery (Michaelfoolery?).

Hear the Howl of Powell

Hear the Howl of Powell

As his proposed rulemaking gets savaged on all sides, with bi-partisanship that puts the ìpro Iraq warî unanimity to shame, FCC Chairman Michael Powell continues to defend his soon-to-fail proposal.

As reported by Reuters this afternoon, Powell made this laughable claim in a statement released by his office: "We created enforceable rules that reflect the realities of today's media marketplace.


Powell Out?!?!

Shed A Tear For Clear Channel

Note: the following was written a few days ago, before the Senate vote rolling back the FCC rulemaking. It has been edited only to reflect the "past tense" regarding the FCC Rulemaking. This has been a very busy week, on any number of fronts.

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