
An Evening Wasted with AOL - offline, no less!

This is a tale about a woman I've known for about 25 or so years.

Here's how we know each other. She was a friend's girlfriend. He and I and some others all lived in a big house together back in the mid-1970's. He and she got married, I think that was around 1976. I held the chupah at one of their two ceremonies. In 1979 I got him a great job, wherein he chose to backstab me politically. We fell out of touch immediately thereafter, although I did hear from
the guy, when, guess what, HE NEEDED WORK again. I told him to go bother someone else.

As Promised, The Joke!

As Promised, The Joke!

Last time around I promised to post a joke which leaves them laughing, rolling on the floor sometimes, every time I tell it. So here goes, a written rendition of a funny story, which I can only hope translates as well to the weblog as it does as in a verbal presentation.

This 80-something year-old man spends some time with a voluptuous young woman in her mid- to late-20ís.

Word Association, Brain Function, and Humor

Word Association, Brain Function, and Humor

Often one can observe the peculiarity of various cycles, which seem to make up our lives. Thoughts or memories seem to be in some sort of rotation, a state of motion or orbit in which they resurface or come to mind. For what reason or due to what trigger, one never knows. Its just ZAP! ñ Synapse association! And then [a] thought comes to mind, recalled either through the apparent cycling of all data and matter of the mind, or cranially hyper-linked and coming to the fore.

Or would that be the phore?

What A Snow Job!

What A Snow Job!

The Great Blizzard of 2001 never quite materialized. Freezing rain, sleet, wind gusts and low temperatures came as promised, but only minimal snow.

As far as the hysteria, panic, alarm, and general theatre perpetrated by the local media about this ìworst storm in 30 years,î the only redeeming factor seems to be that it may have kept drivers off the roads. The combinations of low temperatures plus freezing rain, ice buildup and the dreaded ìblack iceî on the roads made for commuter nightmares.

When Bad Things Happen To Good Computers

When Bad Things Happen To Good Computers

or, to put it another way

Pennies From Heaven

Bob from 21st Century Computers did a good job on my PC. It works, we (more he than I) saved as much as could be salvaged from the virus-ridden and riddled hard drive. A bunch of programs need to be re-installed, and others have missing DLL problems, but the rebuild and repair process are underway.

This is pretty much what the virus did to my computer.

Eleven Days Later

Eleven Days Later

Remember the CNN Lady, you know, the old woman in that white housedress, who cried out, "I've fallen and I can't get up!!"?? Remember her? It was an ad for a radio controlled alarm an oldster (or other such person in need) would wear around their neck -- press it and help will come before the person in need might expire --I think she may have died. Yes, apparently she finally did, one last time, not get up.

Same thing with the "Where's the beef?" lady.

A Pause in the Blog

A Pause in the Blog

The past week or so have been extremely busy for me. Work is heating up, many client projects and tasks requiring enormous amounts of my time. Detail work, contact and communications, a great deal of writing, e-mailing, distribution of data, much of which can be quite time-consuming.

And then there is the THINKING! Often my work requires me to come up with a conceptual product.

Believe Your Eyes!

Believe Your Eyes!

Yes, Dean actually will have something nice to say about Dubyuh on this day.

I write this on the eve of Valentines Day and the opening day of Baseball 2001 Spring Training. That said, you can imagine that I am in a good mood.

I love Valentines Day! A day of romance, celebrating love, relationships, caring...what could be nicer?!?!

Contact via Virus

Contact via Virus

Funny about these insidious through-the-e-mail virus attacks.

I received the Snow White virus about six or eight weeks ago. It came from a woman with whom I've had a scant few business dealings. Realizing immediately that it was the product of one of those "send to the address book" worms, I dashed off a note to her. The gist of it: to let her know the virus was being spread courtesy of her address book, and to offer her the suggestion that she inoculate, and let her address book recipients know what happened.

That woman never bothered to reply.

Small Items of Great Magnitude

Small Items of Magnitude

Recently I noticed this little portable radio I've got. A few years back my son gave it to me. He knew I'd like it (I love radios - big, small, old, new, the one part of my radio past which remains in the continuum: my love of the radios themselves), and he took a secret, sardonic pleasure in giving me something given to him by someone who is not exactly my biggest fan.

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