


Attorney General Ashcroft lets us know of some potential imminent danger. Be warned, be prepared. Go with this knowledge: Within a week (well, maybe a week, maybe more, maybe not), according to intelligence sources, there may be another terrorist action.

What sort of action? The informed sources, the intelligence people, are not exactly certain.

Where might this action occur? Good question. Could be on our shores. Could be somewhere else.

Respond, Recover, Return

Respond, Recover, Return


Numerous websites have emerged, like spontaneous generation, in response to the events of September 11, and to the various events which preceded that day (embassy bombings, the original WTC bombing, the Navy Ship attack, and so forth).

Fund-raising and financial outreach sites are in abundance.

Not Anthrax

Not Anthrax

A bit of topical humor for the day. On a visit late this afternoon to the doctor it was once again apparent that things are never again going to be as they once were. But this was a change, actually, for the better!

Here it was a workday evening, at about the time many are getting home. I was dreading going to the doctor's office for a walk-in visit, anticipating a Monday evening rush, as is often the case.

The waiting room was vacant.

The Unknown Enemy

The Unknown Enemy

Predictions & Observations

We mourn the victims of the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

From Terror to Horror

Note: I hadn't updated the blog for a week or so. Partly because putting these thoughts to the screen can be a difficult task, and also due to the occurence of the Jewish New Year, and a busy schedule on the work front. I appreciate the many e-mails and kind notes, and the incredible amount of links bringing readers to this space.

From Terror to Horror

It is far from over. According to local News reports, there are three fires still burning in the WTC wreckage, presenting difficulty to the NYFD.

Franco, a Native Son, Is Touched by His `Big Family'

This is from the Saturday, September 15, 2001 NY Times. It is merely the text version, but you may be able to see it as it appeared on the Times' site if you click here before they decide the article is old enough to charge you to take a look-see.

An Indiana Town Re-thinks Attitudes About NYC

This is a ctrl-c / ctrl-v copy (copy & paste)of a story from the Spetember 15, 2001 New York Times. Hopefully you can see the whole thing in its entirety, pictures and all, here:


The Times, however, has this ridiculous policy about signing in, and charging for old news. Their fishwrapper, or so it seems, has value. Yes, the Times will sell you yesterday's news. So if you are so-inclined, buy it.



Now is the time to take a deep breath. Maybe more than just one. As many as it may take until there is a greater sense of calm. Personal calm.

Those who have lost (or fear so, due to the lack of surety) loved ones are not expected to calm down anytime soon. Those whose lives have been unceremoniously and unjustly turned upside down are less likely to be calm in the short term.

Then there's the rest of us.

New Yorkers have a certain grit for which they are famous. In a melting pot country, there is no greater melting pot city than New York.

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