Internet Communications aka Telecom aka Connectivity

Sweet 16 for Internet Liberty

Sweet 16 for Internet Liberty

4th of July is often referred to as the birthday of the country.  Of
course that's a stretch, and Independence Day (the official name of the
holiday) makes more sense.  Coming up in a few days is a birthday of
significant note -- to some, who feel that they "live on the net," it might
just be tantamount to Independence Day for

Digital Arms Build-up?

Digital Arms Build-up?

much talk about Net Neutrality these days.  Last week was a bad
week for those on the pro-Neutrality side.   The telcos and
their cable comrades are obviously spending their, er, lobbying money
well.  They sure have practice at it.  Consider how and why
the FCC has gone from dispassionate regulator to bidding-doer of the

After Freedom . . .Then What?!?!

After Freedom  . . . Then What?!?!

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