UPDATE: Blogospheric Call For Help

UPDATE: Blogospheric Call For Help

As a certain politician put it, about 15 months ago,  Help Was On The Way! 

Looks like there's a bunch of positive blogospheric karma out
there.  Help came, on New Years Eve and New Years Day. 
still just a little more work to be done, but now we see a solution, a
light at the end of the tunnel, and are full of new knowledge and some
expanded skills.

I'll ask permission before going public to thank (and identify) the
wonderful people who possess greater technical chops than yours truly,
and who were willing to assist, to analyze the problem,  to be
instructive, to walk me through the issues and problems, and to suggest
tools and some  workarounds so the glitch should soon become a
thing of the past. 

Kudos to Doc Searls, who
had been
trying --over this holiday period-- to get me in touch with a few tech
gurus to help solve the problem, a nearly impossible task at this time
of year.  The matter was urgent, I needed to get this in order
before too much time would elapse.  Doc suggested I go public and
blog it, openly ask for
assistance and support, and let the blogosphere come to my aid. 
Doc also linked to it (that always boosts the hit count!), and within hours of his and my respective postings, help was on the way.

Thanks to Doc, and to the Tech Division denizens of the Blogosphere who responded.  Good citizens, all.