

I received a suggestion regarding some content on the blog. A reader, who requested (and that's putting it mildly) anonymity ("don't use my name, don't link to me, don't put in my e-mail address!"), felt I'd made a faux pas in the layout of yesterday's blogpost.

The bottom of the post, the reader felt, should have been a story or news item in and of itself. So be it. It seemed like a good suggestion, for two reasons.

    1. Certainly there were readers who never made it that far down the post, since I was just musing away and barely even making a point.

    2. The reader felt that the content of the bottom of the post was what I'd really meant to say all along, and it should stand on its own.

Point two is partially correct: it isn't what I'd planned to say when I started the musing...but it could, and with this urging, should and will stand on its own. Right here.

More and more I find that what I may write or say can have greater impact on some than ever would have been anticipated. Words have such oomph, impact, firepower, pressure.

With that in mind, I took someone else's words of advice to me, and made the links and the changes and all of the above.

Perhaps instead of This'n'That, this little post on the blog should have been titled, We Listen To You.

Your words are welcome. And, as you can see from the above, if you wish for non-attribution, that shall be granted.

Thanks to the anonymous reader for the suggestion.


In today's Scripting News, Dave uses the Yiddish word plotz. He goes on to say, in an interesting little link, that he searched a few dictionaries and couldn't find a definition for plotz.

Ever one to be helpful, I offer this little definitive link.

Will Dave plotz when he sees it?