
Bed Rest Log, Part 2

Bed Rest Log, Part 2

The Cold That Won't Go Away - Day 31.

Will this thing ever go away?  

Bed Rest Blog

Bed Rest Blog: (or "How the HMO delayed getting my medicine")     

Webcasting and YOUR Digital Rights

Webcasting and YOUR Digital Rights

Friday The 13th

The 13th

Blog, Stumble, Fall

Blog, Stumble, Fall

Good thing I don't make New
year's resolutions. Already I would have fallen off the "blog more
regularly" wagon.  Three posts are in some state of preparation,
and there's no guaranty all three will end up seeing the light of
screen (har har), much less even one or two.

Prevent Disease!

Prevent Disease!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a warning about a
new virulent strain of Sexually Transmitted Disease. The disease is contracted
through dangerous and high-risk behavior.

UPDATE: Blogospheric Call For Help

UPDATE: Blogospheric Call For Help

As a certain politician put it, about 15 months ago,  Help Was On The Way! 

Looks like there's a bunch of positive blogospheric karma out
there.  Help came, on New Years Eve and New Years Day. 
still just a little more work to be done, but now we see a solution, a
light at the end of the tunnel, and are full of new knowledge and some
expanded skills.

A Bloggy New Year

A Bloggy New Year

We rang in the New Year very quietly.  It was the first time in 10
years we stayed in, not going to the usual party.  There were
decisions made with regard to ushering in the second year of the second half of the
decade.  We chose not to travel, just have a quiet and private

Bubbling Photography

My friend and fellow blogger Jeaneane Sessum is
working with BubbleShare, a new on-line photo sharing enterprise.  There's a cool BubbleShare-to-Blog feature, and this is a test of that very

Did it

Blogospheric call for RSS/XML Tech Support!!

Blogospheric call for RSS/XML Tech Support!! 
Please Help!

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