November 2003

Picture This!

Picture This!

They ought to rename the URL "A Thousand Words." This site does a random search of pictures on the internet. It could hit
YOUR pics on your site. I don't know why I find this site fascinating, but it seems like an Americana panorama (say that 10 times fast), a history of REAL people's interests. Keep reloading it - kinda amazing what people put out

Notes From The Silent Week

Notes From The Silent Week

And The Winner Is . . .

RageBoy gets the coveted award for ìBest Use of Fleetwood Mac Lyricsî for this entry.

Since I have all sorts of difficulty with anchor tags, in the event that you clicked on that link and just ended up at the top of RBís blog, what you need to do is scroll down about 20 inches from the top of the Friday November 21, 2003 entry, entitled Sacred Reflections.

Back In The Saddle

Back in The Saddle

Well, not really the saddle, actually. Back at the keyboard is a better way to put it.

Well, similar to what Rush Limbaugh said when he came back on the radio this past Monday, AS I WAS SAYING, HERE I AM, BACK AGAIN. Except that I was gone for personal reasons of grief and some time of introspection.

Update and Adieu (for a brief while)

Update and Adieu (for a brief while)

Taking A Necessary Break

I Heard The News Today. Oh, boy.

I Heard The News Today. Oh, boy.

During some insomniac moments last night (or was that this morning?) while tuned to the international CNN channel, a report came with some unnerving news. According to the presenter, it seems the facts about deaths during war go something like this: More American soldiers have lost their lives in the Iraq conflict than in the entire first three years of the Viet Nam War.

Of course this may just be a nonsensical statement.

Do You Feel A Draft Around Here?

Do You Feel A Draft?

This news story about the Selective Service System comes as no surprise. American soldiers dying by the day; benefits and expectations lower than ever for servicemen and women, and government-sponsored invasions and occupations of foreign countries in order to enrich the coffers of Halliburton, et al . . . is it any surprise that fewer enlistees appear at recruiting centers?

Waldo, Judge Crater, and Joe Dimaggio

Waldo, Judge Crater, and Joe Dimaggio

People wonder about their whereabouts. Where's Waldo? He's hidden, but he's always in the picture. Yes, do chuckle at the entendre. Where's Judge Crater? I always suspected he and Amelia Earhart were off somewhere, perhaps Tunisia or maybe just outside of Newfoundland, having a drink and getting cozy.