January 2002



Anyone who knows me knows I spent much of my life in Radio.

As a three year old there was a signal event (har har, pun) that was a guidepost for my future; I decided at that early age to work in Radio when I grew up.

I couldn't wait that long.

By age 15 I was on the air on Pacifica's listener-supported WBAI in New York City. I spent the Summer as a volunteer, working in various departments. What a time, what a learning experience, what a great training ground it was.

A Hornet's Nest

Hornet's Nest

Or maybe this should be entitled, "Advertising a Hornet's Nest." Possibly a Pandora's Box reference might fit, but that would be subject to a ton of misinterpretation.

Ah, that's it! MISINTERPRETATION, that's the ticket.

No, we'll just stick with the original. Hornet's Nest, a thing that gets some serious buzz.

Think What You Will

Think What You Will

This blogger thinks I lack good writing skills.

Despite the www.giftcoach.org URL, the site is known as Wealth Bondage. Interesting stuff, much of it tongue in cheek. Clearly, someoneís or some group of peopleís soapbox and forum for spouting thoughts and ëtude. And pretty good writing, too. A different sort of style, a peculiar sort of blogging voice, but an entertaining read.

In Defense of Advertising

In Defense of Advertising

In many quarters it is extremely popular, to the point of seeming politically and culturally correct, to hold advertising in low regard. Commercials are dissed, advertising as a general entity is treated as a distasteful matter.

That shit wonít fly with me.

Many hardworking and creative people ply their trade in the ad business. And even more people ñnot on the creative sideówork alongside them, in support, research, technical and administrative areas.

Is today International Internet Worms & Virus Day?


People actually eat this?  For sure, it isn't Kosher!All over the web of late, particularly on the blogs I look at, complaints about an abundance of e-spam are a common cry. Yes, indeed it does seem that the amount of spam has increased in recent days. The delete key is getting overworked!

Perhaps, I mused, it was yet another revolting aspect of the holiday and gift-giving/selling season.