Super Genius Session 2: Lindsay Lebresco

10:08 AM Tuesday, July 20, 2010.  Super Genius Word of Mouth conference.  This session features Lindsay Lebresco (@lindsaylebresco), the topic: "How to Respond to Feedback, Posts, Comments and Reviews."

Be a human, do nice things for people. Lindsay works for Converseon.

Lindsay did Social Media and Community Manager at Graco.

Starts off with how to handle negative comments or online activity.  Who what when where why -- to respond.  LISTEN to what people are saying.  Social Media is about human communication, what people have been doing for years.  Hear what people are saying . . . as inmost normal human social situations.

Find a conversation you can get into, add value.  Have fun.  Participate.  Be normal!

Monitor the conversation: Google Alerts, Twitter Search, Ice Rocket, Technorati.  RSS is your friend.

What to monitor:

  • Brand Sentiment (positive,negative).  
  • Who's talking (influentials, elders).  
  • Context (where did it start, where it it happening).
  • Community (whats inportatn   to them, vernacular Discussions.
  • Trends and Hot Topics (what's the latest?).

Add value!  Come bearing gifts, be it acknowledgement, information, deals, service.  Be honest: admit fault when appropriate.

Know when and how to respond.  Set expectations, be appropriate.  Review bloggers (thank them!). Respond *after* you've become a part of the community.  Remember: "Social" moves faster than corporate.

Where: respond to a comment where it was made.  Understand the venue.  Is this mass audience,or just your tribe?  Respond in public if your're serving customers, so everyone sees it.  Take it off line if it is legally sensitive.  A phone call might be more powerful and apt for the situation.

Know that private isn't always private -- case in point: one of Lindsay's emails ended up posted on a blog.

Be honest and transparent.  Be personal; speak with and have a human voice.  Do not communicate with a corporate voice.

Always, ALWAYS pay attention.


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