I Think I'll Melt Now

Hot is not so bad.  Hat and humid is not so bad, but going in the<br />
wrong direction. Hot and so humid that the hairs on your arms are<br />
sweating . . .now that's terrible.
Could it be that humidity brings on Alzheimer's?  Today we are
finally seeing a break in the severe heat and oppressive humidity 
that made New York a stuffy and unpleasant place to live in.  To
breathe.  To function.  I am not usually one to complain about
the weather (or to blog about what I ate for lunch), but this recent
stretch is worthy of note.  Often the humidity is described as
making conditions muggy, clammy, sticky, any number of words. 
This past week has been humid to the point of torture. 

The mere
acts of concurrent thinking and breathing would cause sweat to pour
from the pores near the brain.

Today the heat spell broke.  Good thing, too -- last night there
were brief but severe thunderstorms, felling trees, power wires, and
knocking out the power in all sorts of places around here.  My
place was spared, although one of the felled trees was within about a
half-mile of here, and it was suspected to have damaged power lines.

According to local reports, yesterday and the day before broke all
records for power demand.  Those fans and air conditioners draw
down considerable energy.  I chuckled when a news report showed a
guy complaining about the heat and humidity. Asked what he would do to
get some relief, he replied, "Go
inside and sit in the air conditioning.  I know the power bill
will kill me.  But  that's next month -- for now I gotta do
it to stay sane.  And cool.

Good advice from that guy, or so it seems to me.