Minor Google Fame

Minor Google Fame

A quick check of my referer page for this blog reveals an interesting little fact. If you type deregulation reagonomics into the Google search box, this blog is the very first hit to show.

Click here and see my 15 seconds of being #1, at least on this one Google shot.

Oh, great. Fame tied into Ronald Reagan.

Of course, I knew he had Alzheimer's way before it was made public. Let's see, what year was it he married Nancy......?

Usually a picture would accompany a post like this. There seems something, well, horrid about the thought of including a picture of Ron & Nancy in the blog. This is a sacred little place for your dedeicated scribe. So here's a link in lieu of a graphic. You'll see why it felt better to include that, as opposed to a picture of her former highness and the man who gave us W's daddy as the Veep.