Almost Back!

Almost Back!

Not quite back yet, but a few short notes.

1. If you found this page via a click-over referral, you should probably scroll down to the next item. It is longer, and much more in keeping with the way this blog operates.

2. Do you want Verizon, Southern Bell, Pacific Bell, Qwest, and other such Baby Bell monoliths getting in cahoots with the U.S. Congress ... and lose the opportunity to have competitive or alternate service providers or carriers offer you Voice services over the InterNet?

Of course you don't! If, indeed, that is the case, then please, read this page. It includes an e-mail I sent out to a few hundred friends and colleagues.

3. Here is a 3-part link to a story you might want to read regarding how the Baby Bells have become the bullying enemy of the competitor companies....companies which the Babies were supposed to offer access, and even to some degree, support to in the creation of competitive services. From the publication Isp-world, check out this excellent series of journalism.

Part 1 - January, 2001

Part 2 - February, 2001

Part 3 - March, 2001

That's it for the moment...much more is right around the corner!