September 11th

Village Voice cover TwinTowers Sept 25 2001

Village Voice cover TwinTowers Sept 25 2001

Terror Ethos Redux

Terror attack, multiple locations, death tolls plus countless injured.  In a major city life becomes disrupted, travel comes to a halt.  Locals desperately seek contact yet fear the news of their loved ones.  Many visitors to the area (tourists, students, business people, musicians on tour) are unaccounted for.

Family members run to the locations of the attacks, holding photographs, has anyone seen this person?

Hospitals, overwhelmed with patients from the incidents, are overrun with nervous, fearful, stressed visitors seeking their relatives, friends, lovers, associates.

Country and city leaders make statements to the press.  The media repeats these and other clips over and over. Responsibility is claimed by a known terrorist organization. Patterns and background unfold.

A city is gripped with fear, sadness and a chilling sense of uncertainty.  Emotions are fervent, tensions and an inability to feel settled or centered becomes the norm.  Levels of frenzy and fear persist.

This is the new reality.

Nearby cities express support.  Sports teams drop every shred of rivalry to convey solidarity. Social media abounds with messages of concern.  Everywhere one goes it is the terror attacks, their immediate aftermath and the larger discussion of what it means becomes Topic One.

This is Paris now.

Eleven Years

Eleven years ago it was September 11th. The September 11th permanently etched in our minds.

In New York it was a gorgeous morning, spectacular azure skies and early Fall temperatures.  It seemed a beautiful day was ahead.

Eleven years ago the world as we know it changed.  Changed forever.  Changed in horrible ways.  Thousands of lives lost.  Hundreds of First Responders ill or since dead from breathing in the dust.  Countless others wounded in NY, Washington and Pennsyvania.

Apples, Honey, Caution

Apples, Honey, Caution

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