Dean Landsman's blog

Super Genius Session 2: Lindsay Lebresco

10:08 AM Tuesday, July 20, 2010.  Super Genius Word of Mouth conference.  This session features Lindsay Lebresco (@lindsaylebresco), the topic: "How to Respond to Feedback, Posts, Comments and Reviews."

Be a human, do nice things for people. Lindsay works for Converseon.

Lindsay did Social Media and Community Manager at Graco.

Session: Word of Mouth on Zero Budget

9:36 AM Tuesday, July 20, 2010. Saul Colt (@saulcolt) from Thoora.  Live the life of your customers.  Fight for what they care about and be an advocate of their voice.

Saul was a little late getting here.  His open and his connection with the room was excellent.  Funny, and self effacing.  Getting into his slide presentation he is engaging, but his off the cuff is far superior to the powerpoint.

Super Genius/Word of Mouth - Session One

Word of Mouth/"Super Genius"

8:39 AM Tuesday, July 20, 2010.   Live Blogging from The Gaspedal sponsored "Word of Mouth Supergenius" conference.   The conference tag line: The "How to be Great at Word of Mouth Marketing" Conference.  Now kicking off.

Super Geniuses (aka, the panelists) will impart wisdom in creating Word of Mouth.  There is a part of me that wants to be super snarky, but I'll try to hold that in abeyance and give the panelists (braniacs?) the benefit of the doubt. 

Feeling Like Kotter

Many years ago (the 1970's!) there was a sitcom, a big hit, featuring comedian/actor Gabe Kaplan.  He played a high school teacher in Brooklyn, with the students cast as sterotypes of the day, a remedial group, one step away from Reform School.  They were a comic bunch, a misfit or two among them, with John Travolta in what may be his earliest role of note.  The show was "Welcome Back, Kotter."

Buzzing, Waving, Googling.

Buzzing. Waving. Googling.

BzzzzzzOn the phone with my friend and colleague Catherine Ventura the other day, after discussing the focus and path of a project, we got to talking about meetings, recent topics of conversation in our worlds, and what's hot out there in the tech & geek world.  "What's your take on Google Buzz?" Catherine asked me.  As fate would have it, except for the chat on last week's Yi-Tan call on this subject, I'd barely thought much about Buzz.  I'd tweeted about the woman who felt so totally violated by the initial release and information blast setup, retweeted  John Blossom's tweet linking to a post on it, or made a casual observation, but otherwise had just paid it little mind.  But as happens, once Catherine and I began to talk, it dawned on me what I actually thought about Buzz, and the buzz on buzz.  At Catherine's suggestion (urging?), I am blogging about it, posting it as she suggested.

Digital Presence: Now and Beyond

Digital Presence: Now and Beyond

CES 2010: What a Difference a Year Makes

CES 2010: What a Difference a Year Makes

Life, Death, September 11th & The Holidays

Life,Death, September 11th & The Holidays

2009 may go down as the year of great change.  Change is good, one often hears.  Or that old joke, "I'm a Republican, I'm opposed to change." This was the year we were to see "Change You can Believe In" ushered in.

Everything Must Change. Again.

Everything Must Change.  Again.

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