Dean Landsman's blog

Beamed Up For Good

The Ultimate Beam-Up

Almost Ready to Go Public


Thank you, Rogers Cadenhead

A Little History

DeanLand, the blog, began a good few years ago.  The first incarnation was around 1999, using either Pita
or Pyra, not sure which exactly.  Actually, I think I used both at
one time or another.  The user interface and what appeared to be a
more "for the geeks" sort of application warded me off, as I am an apps
guy, not a geek.

Well burble my Register, old chap!

Well burble my Register, old chap!

I've been disssed.  Quoted and dissed, and out of context no
less.  And not even quoted with attribution -- sort of a drive-by
insult.  Or perhaps better stated, dissed by proxy.  An off-handed slur.

It Feels Like September 12th

It Feels Like September 12th

A pause in the conversation . . .
or a pause in the action,
as they say on Sports media coverage when pausing for a commercial or
other interruption.  Reaction to  the events of the day in
London take priority.

Not Like September 11th

A Blog or a Site? Differentiations.

Readers, Friends, Romans, countrymen, even those of you who arrived
here via some search engine query expecting to find who-knows-what:

A bug in the machin

Go ahead, define "Blog"

Go ahead, define "Blog"

How exactly do we define the word, BLOG

Legitimate Query? or "Bah, Humbug!"

Legitimate Query? or "Bah, Humbug!"



Blogospheric Response

Blogospheric Response

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