November 2005

Auto-Phone Menu Breakthrough!

Auto-Phone Menu Breakthrough!

Pre-Thanksgiving Funnies

Pre-Thanksgiving Funny

Hair Funny

Hair Funny

a pierced and tattooed young person with a hairdo that would incline
one to think this might be a person of questionable sanity, I often
"What does the family say at the Thanksgiving dinner table?"  Or
maybe just what is the ride-home afterward gossip re those getups and
hairdos (hair don'ts?)?

Thanksgivings Past

Thanksgivings Past

Prior to college I don't have any clear or specific memories of
Thanksgiving meals.  My Sophomore year in college was a memorable one. 

Via TiVo the Campaign Dirt is Still Slung

Via TiVo the Campaign Dirt is Still Slung

Does This Ever Happen To You?

Does This Ever Happen To You?

An Error of Maverick Proportion

An Error of Maverick Proportion

Saw this headline today on the MSNBC Baseball Home page (yes, I read five or six baseball sites every
day, off season, on season, post season hot stove, whenever)

ï Pirates tell Cuban team
isn't for sale

Bah. Humbug. Wal*Mart. Feh.

Bah.  Humbug.  Wal*Mart.  Feh.

November is here.  Today is Election Day.  Veteran's Day is
around the bend, and then Thanksgiving looms on the horizon.  But
November has lost some of its usual joy, at least given what took place
two nights ago.